Thursday, 1 September 2011

Jozi girl-The changing tide

I love Johannesburg-Gauteng, I mean seriously I'm not trying to be funny or something, but really I do. I first arrived here on the 11th of February 2011, and since that day I can honestly say I've been approaced by one guy, yes I know what your thinking "It's September and you've only been approaced once?" ok let me explain myself - I come from a small town called Emalahleni in Mpumalanga, now you can imagine that since it's a small town, everybody knows everybody, and everbody has dated everybody, for me personally that was the norm, to have a guy date atleast two girls in what we call "ischeme", and then I came to Joburg only to find that here the population is enormous and there are literally millions and millons of guys - short ones, tall ones, skinny ones, dark ones, light ones the list is endless.

When I left Emalahleni in February I proudly declared that I have a type, you know a particular set of features which I thought were absolutely perfect - tall, dark and skinny wooooooooooo!!! now that's what I'm talking - atleast so I thought until I came to JHB, I discovered that I don't just find skinny and tall attractive, but I also find buff, short and light attractive, can you imagine?, but getting back to my explanation of why I believe I've been approaced only once, in Emalahleni when a guy asks you "out" he wants you to be his gilfriend, and once you agree to go "out" with him, the two of you are in a relationship, well atleast thats how I saw it, but appreantly its so much more different in Joburg.

In this wonderful city that I'm in right now, guys don't ask you "out", no instead a guy will say "I like you" and he wants to explore the possibilities of the two of you bieng together, and so that means that you're in a pre-relationship while you "explore" eachother. This notion has left me speechless on more than one occasion, because I saw a friend experience it, and I just could'nt get it until it happened to me.

The guy whom I honestly believe was the first and only to approach me is a Zulu who comes from Durban, he did'nt tell me that he "likes" me and wants to "explore" us, nope "ugishelile" like normal black men are suppose to, he came to me with the intention of bieng in a relationship with me, not to "explore" me (whatever that means) needless to say the Zulu guy's efforts did'nt quite work for me, because I saw him as bieng too forward and too old-fashioned. I had given up on dating in Johannesburg, until I recently met a guy who says he want to "explore" me, at first I was baffled and I could'nt quite get it "explore me?", yep it was happening to me the "new age dating". Although I was quite clueless and really I still am, I think I like this "new age dating" It gives two peoaple - two young people- the chance to feel eachother out (not literally) and decide if getting into an actual relationship will be worth it, which in most cases it is'nt.

So the pre-relatoinship helps to spare one alot of pain and heartache and confusion about what you did right or wrong. The tide is seriously changing and thanks to modernisied cities, such as Johannesburg, dating will never be the same again. 

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